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Voting Wards

New residents may register to vote in the office of the County Clerk, Butler County Courthouse, 451 – 5th Street


First Ward is comprised of the corporate limit of the City of David City at the line beginning at Highway 15 and County Road 37; then following the city limits west to Burlington Norther Railroad; then South on Burlington Norther Railroad R.O.W. along the western corporate limits then south to the Southern corporate limits, Then East to Highway 15/MN Road, then North on Highway 15/MN Road to Iowa Street; then East on Iowa Street to 5th Street; then North on 5th Street to C Street; then East on C Street to 6th Street; then North on 6th Street to L Street; Then west on L Street to 5th Street; then North on 5th Street to O Street; then West on O Street to 4th Street/Highway 15; then North to Point of Beginning.

Second Ward is comprised of the corporate limit of the City of David City at a line beginning at Highway 15 and the southern corporate limits heading North to Iowa Street; then heading east to 5th Street; then North on 5th Street to C Street; then heading east on C Street to 6th Street, Then North on 6th Street to G Street; Then east on G Street to 9th Street; then South to the City limits between E Street and G Street;  Then follow the corporate limits East and South to the point of beginning.

Third Ward is comprised of the corporate limits of the City of David City, beginning at 6th Street & G Street heading north on 6th Street to L Street; then West on L Street to 5th Street; then North on 5th Street to O Street; then West on O Street to 4th Street/Highway 15; then North on 4th Street/Highway 15 to corporate limits along Highway 15 to County Road N; then South on County Road N to O Street; then East along corporate limits south to Nebraska Central Railroad and East corporate limit to 9th Street; Then North on 9th Street to G Street; then West on G Street to point of beginning.